At Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) we are committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for the purposes of safeguarding and protecting all our members, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We believe that it is unacceptable for any child, young person or vulnerable adult to experience abuse of any kind and we recognize our responsibility to safeguard their welfare, while at the same time providing those who worship in KICC with Pastoral care.

It is our desire to create an environment in KICC where everyone can grow in Christ.  We are therefore committed to a safeguarding practice which protects every member and attendee of our church.


The purpose of this policy is to:

Provide protection for all the children, young people and vulnerable adults who attend our church;

Provide all staff and volunteers with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child, young person or vulnerable adult may be experiencing, or be at risk of harm (including how to make a referral)

Provide all staff and volunteers with guidance on what will happen if an allegation is made against them.

This policy applies to all staff, volunteers and anyone working on behalf of the church.


We recognise that:

The welfare of every child, young person and vulnerable adult is paramount;

All children, young people and vulnerable adults have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse and have the right to freedom from harm or abuse;

All our staff and volunteers need to be aware, trained and accept responsibility for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults in their care.



We will endeavour to safeguard children, young persons and vulnerable adults by:

Listening to, respecting them and making them to feel Valued.

Adopting child protection guidelines and statutory requirements through detailed procedures;

Adopting a code of conduct for all staff members and Volunteers;

Responding quickly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse or issues relating to child welfare;

Working in partnerships with parents, carers, families and children and providing them with the opportunities to voice any concerns they may have;

Recruiting staff, including volunteers safely and ensuring adequate checks are made;

Providing effective management for all staff through induction, supervision, support, appropriate safeguarding training and any other relevant training;

Ensuring confidential information is stored and managed in accordance with national guidance.

If there are any allegations that a child, young person or vulnerable adult is at risk or may have been harmed, we will investigate thoroughly to establish the facts. Following this investigation, we will co-operate with the police and the Local Authorities in any further investigation.

We will offer Pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered from any kind of abuse by counselling and helping them through a healing process which is in line with the word of God.

If an allegation is made against any member of staff, the staff will be withdrawn from serving with children, young people and vulnerable adults in order for an investigation process to be initiated by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead of the church.


Who to contact:
Names: Pastor Esther Dunmoye DSL  |  Pastor Peju Oluyomi DDSL
Mobile No: 07498 637819
Time: 10am-6pm Monday-Friday and Sunday
Email: [email protected]

If you are concerned about a child or an adult and you wish to contact our Safeguarding Team, send an email with your Name and contact details which will be handled with confidentiality in accordance to our policies.

24 hour Helpline: 0808 800 5000 For confidential advice.
NSPCC can also take statutory CP action