It is our vision to be a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the
confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness and encouragement.
It is our vision to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the
1.5 million people resident in Kent and 64.1 million in the UK at large.
It is our vision to welcome 25,000 members into the fellowship of our church family,
growing, glowing and going all out for Jesus.
It is our vision to equip every believer for a significant ministry by helping them to
discover, develop and deploy the gifts and talents God gave them.
It is our vision to be a church where every member is an evangelist,
where every worker is a warrior.
It is our vision to send members on short and long term ministry
projects to every continent.
It is our vision to open 1,000 Caring Heart Centres.
It is our vision to pioneer city churches around the world.
It is our vision to broadcast the gospel worldwide, using every electronic means.
It is our vision to open a KICC Bank to empower God’s people economically,
and promote the Kingdom of God.
It is our vision to reach 200 nations through radio and TV specifically.
We proclaim with confidence that these dreams will become
reality because they are inspired by God.